Tri-County Weed Control started through a collaboration of White Pine, Lincoln and Nye Counties in 1999. It was the first nontaxed based, comprehensive noxious weed control program in the West. It is funded through contracts and agreements with private and public landowners and agencies. Using the latest technology, it performs noxious weed control operations in three roles: Education, Inventory, and Treatment.
Rope Ashworth – Administrative Service Manager
John Ashworth – Operations Manager
Perline Thompson – Office Manager
TBA – Seasonal Applicator
Tri-County Weed Control offers support with educational contributions. We offer training and materials on all aspects of weed control including: weed identification; inventory and GPS data of land; chemical applications; control and prevention of infestations.
Tri-County Weed Control contracts with public and private parties for weed inventory. We have the ability to inventory large land areas with our inventory teams or contract one person for smaller, private jobs. Prices include labor, vehicles, GPS data collection and colored maps generated with inventory data.
Tri-County Weed Control contracts with public and private parties for the treatment of noxious weeds. All applications are recorded using GPS. We have three spray options: one spray truck with 750 gallon tank, two spray trucks with 500 gallon tank, a trailer with 1,000 gallon tank, two 6-wheel ATVs with 50 gallon tank for treatments in areas where the trucks cannot access, two mini trucks with 100 gallon tank, one Toyota with 100 gallon tank, two horse pack sprayers with 20 gallon capacity, and ten 4 gallon backpack sprayers for small jobs and those area inaccessible by truck and/or ATV.
Technology is used to increase communication; catalog data; ease of transition between plant species; track inventory data; track treatments; track management effectiveness; fulfill reporting requirements; invoicing; and to assist in explaining program components to various partners.